Lend us your ears...

Sound Diaries


Sound Diaries

a daily audio dialogue about a festival


Mapping Geopark ‘16

The Geopark Festival transforms the complex region of Odsherred into a festival venue that brings people together around art, talks, food events and music.

Each day Sound Diaries would delve into a festival topic or location and make a on-the-spot artistic comment on them.

Thomas fortæller.jpg

An artistic dialogue

Each topic is viewed from the perspective of a sound artist and a theatre-maker. These interaction encompass city-scapes, remote nature spots and public events. The artists takes the listener on a musing journey of a carefully selected place giving you an intimate sense of your surroundings and transforming it into a magical experience.


A mobile and (un)easy project

This work is adaptable to any event or festival that is looking for on site artistic comments to expand the festival experience and create documentation.

This edition is in Danish.

Created by: Thomas Burø and Nina Larissa Bassett

Performed: July 29-30 at Geopark Festival 2016